Hello Charlotte! I don't understand why they change her name! And I want to thank you for "Pocette" my six years old daughter keep it on her bed with her favorite things and says is the best book ever and we want to meet fanny..ehm.. Prudence soon!
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4 commentaires:
Hello Charlotte!
I don't understand why they change her name!
And I want to thank you for "Pocette"
my six years old daughter keep it on her bed with her favorite things and says is the best book ever and we want to meet fanny..ehm.. Prudence soon!
thank you for such a lovely and pretty book!!!!!!
so real and so cute!!
the best gift on my 37th birthday!!
ben y a quelqu'un ? Charlotte où es-tu ? mb
Si tu savais où elle est, la Charlotte !
Veeeeiiiiinaaaaarde !
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